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  • Writer's pictureJihane Bellahmar

7 Social Media Tips To Help Your Small Business Grow

Source: Picjumbo

Whether you want to grow your brand awareness, increase traffic for your website or promote your products, building a strong social media presence is the key to reach your goals.

If you are running a small business solo and want to kick start your social media presence, these tips are for you:

1. Identify your audience: The first step of building a strong online presence is getting to know your audience. Dig deeper with social media analytics and pull some relevant data from your social media platforms.

2. Be visual: Create great visuals and use video content to connect with your audience and captivate their attention.

3. Combine organic with paid: Get your paid campaign crafted intelligently to get more relevant traffic.

4. Stand out: You need to convey your persona. Rise above the noise and be different.

5. Focus on building relationships: Adopt a more conversational tone with your audience and engage with them constantly.

6. Pick the Right Channel to Target: There are a lot of social media channels out there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be on all of them. Do a little research and determine where your target audience is.

7. Be consistent: Make sure your branding is consistent across all platforms to be easily recognized, such as your logo, messaging, fonts, colors, tone of voice …etc.

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